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2020-03-12 14:25 xin




1.Like a broken record

“I feel like a broken record”。这句话用来形容某人一遍又一遍地重复同样的事情。如果唱片被打破了,它就会一遍又一遍地播放同一首歌。

当妈妈问了我一遍,两遍,有时三遍我都不打扫房间的时候。She loved to say, “I feel like a broken record. Clean your room!”

这句话通常用在更消极的意义上,当你累了,或者因为不得不重复同样的信息而有点生气的时候。这是另一个例子,“I keep telling my boyfriend that I don’t want to go see that movie with him. I feel like a broken record!”

(2) Music to my ears

When something is music to your ears, it means that you heard exactly what you wanted to hear, or you heard something that makes you really happy. 你听到了你想听到的,或者你听到了让你开心的事情。

假如你有一场考试,但你生病了。考试那天,你的同学打电话告诉你,可以下周参加考试。在这种情况下,你可能会说,“Oh, that is music to my ears!”

或者,你已经等了很长时间的升职了。有一天,你接到老板的电话告诉你一个关于你升职的会议。你可以说,“Wow, that is music to my ears, thank you so much!”

(3) And all that jazz

This is an expression that is said to include everything related or similar to what you are talking about. 表达包括一切相关或类似于你正在谈论的东西。

例如,为了庆祝朋友的生日,你可能会说 “We can have a party with cake, ice cream, drinks, all that jazz!”。‘All that jazz’就指代聚会中可以包括的一切。

当你向你的朋友描述新上映的电影时,你说:“The movie is so exciting! It has action, suspense, drama, all that jazz”.“all that jazz”就表示与你已经列出的描述相关的所有内容。

(4) Jazz something up

If you ‘jazz something up’, you are improving it by adding more style to it. 让(一件事物)变得有趣些,你就会通过增加更多的风格来改进它。

以Lady Gaga为例。Lady Gaga is known for really jazzing up her outfits— adding lots of dramatic color, glitter, shine.

当然你不需要看起来像Lady Gaga,就能让事情变得生动有趣。可以是简单的一件衣服,为了让它看起来更好,添加一顶漂亮的帽子,或搭配一双非常酷的鞋子。

This can also refer to other things, like jazzing up your apartment, jazzing up the dessert you just made… you can jazz up anything just by making it a little bit better.


(5) Clear as a bell

If something is clear as a bell, that means it is very clear or easily understood. 让别人知道你清楚地理解他们在说什么。

如果你的朋友问:“Could you understand the speech I gave in English today?”你可以说一些鼓励的话,“Yep, your pronunciation was clear as a bell.”

当你确实清楚地听到某事或某人时,你也可以这样说。“Today on the news, I heard clear as a bell that my favorite celebrity is coming to visit my hometown!”“今天在新闻里,我清楚地听到一个消息,我最喜欢的明星要来我的家乡。”

(6) To make a song and dance about something

It describes the actions of a dramatic person, or when someone makes a bigger deal out of something than they really need to. 它描述了一个戏剧性的人的行为,或者当某人把某件事做得比他们实际需要的更大。

假设他们在抱怨即将到来的学校项目,你可以开玩笑的说,“Every time he get’s a school project he has to make a whole song and dance about something.”


“Oh my God, mom is making such a song and dance about the grandparents coming to visit!”


Well everybody, that concludes this week’s episode. I hope you enjoyed these phrases and that you can start using them when you practice your English.

