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2020-03-12 14:39 xin


Hello my friends! Welcome to week 11 of you EL Useful English Podcast. First off, it’s the week  after Thanksgiving and people here in the west are getting ready for the next big holiday— Christmas. This is always a really exciting and busy time of year for westerners.

My Thanksgiving was great. I got to eat some really delicious food with some of my favorite people on the planet. I also did something that I’ve never done before. I ran what we here in America call, a “Turkey Trot 快步走”. A Turkey Trot is a small race, usually 5 or 10 kilometers, that occurs on Thanksgiving. I’ve always wanted to do it and this year I finally made good on my promise to myself to follow through (remember that phrase from a few weeks ago).

I wanted to run the 10k but ended up doing the 5 and I was glad that I did because it was negative 7 degrees Celsius 摄氏度 outside. And windy. So needless to  say, it was cold!! I wasn’t alone though. 16,000 people came out for the event, which was pretty cool to be a part of. This was a photo that I took of myself while I was waiting to start running. I was so cold that my teeth were hurting.

I earned a little medal and definitely earned my big Thanksgiving meal that I enjoyed later that day. It was pretty exciting and I’m glad I did it. However, if I ever do it again, I would prefer if the weather was just a little bit warmer.

Getting into today’s material… I’m doing things just a little big different. I’ve got two useful phrases left from Episode 1 of Modern Family. And then to finish things off, I’ll share a phrase or two that has to do with this western holiday season. You guys ready? Let’s get  started.

1.Through fair or stormy weather / Through thick or through thin 同甘共苦

It is common in the west for people to pledge that they will support a loved one or someone they care about through fair or stormy weather. It is also common to say, through thick or through thin. Many wedding vows include the latter of the two phrases. This means to say that someone will support their loved one no matter what the situation is; good or bad. No matter how challenging things get, they will love them. When people do not live up to this they are sometimes referred to as ‘fair weather friends’ (friends that are only there when times are good).

Let’s say that I make a commitment to you to help you through your English journey through thick or through thin or through fair or stormy weather. That means that I promise to be available to help you understand material or help answer questions that you may have.

It’s good to have people in your life that will be there for you through fair or stormy weather.  You always want to love the ones who love you back.




2.How’s the weather down there? 那里的天气怎么样?

This is a common joke, or dig, to make to a person who is shorter than you. Phil says this to tease his son during a basketball game. This was a phrase that has commonly been used on me my entire life, as I am much shorter than most people here in America. I was a very small, shy girl when I was young and I remember that taller kids— so pretty much every other kid— would always ask me, “Hey Melissa, how’s the weather down there?” Then they would usually tease me and hold something above my head just high enough so that I couldn’t reach it. It’s basically just a phrase to say to make fun on someone. It doesn’t always have to be mean though. If you have a younger sibling you could use this joke on them. I’m fairly certain that my boyfriend has also used this joke on me before— as he is much taller than me and loves to use that against me  when he can. Don’t worry, I get him back.

对于比你矮的人来说,这是一个常见的笑话或挖苦。 Phil说这个短语时是为了在篮球比赛中取笑他的儿子。 这是我一生中常听见的一句话,因为我比美国的大多数人都短。 我年轻的时候,我是一个非常小,害羞的女孩,我记得那些高个子的孩子 - 几乎所有其他的孩子 - 总会问我,“嘿Melissa,下面的天气怎么样?”然后他们会经常取笑我并且在我脑袋上方举着一个足够高的东西,以至于我无法触及它。 它基本上只是一句来嘲笑别人的话。 它并不总是卑鄙的。 如果你有一个年轻的兄弟姐妹,你可以在他们身上使用这个笑话。 我很确定我的男朋友之前也曾用这个笑话 - 因为他比我高得多,并且喜欢用它来对付我。 别担心,我报复回来了。

3.I’m stuffed 我被塞满了

So we are officially done with phrases from Modern Family, but before we end today’s episode, I wanted to share a couple phrases that I’ve heard a lot here in America lately. Thanksgiving and Christmas are known for a few things but one of the biggest is the food! Especially on Thanksgiving. So a phrase that is commonly heard throughout  America on this day is “I’m stuffed”. For the meal on Thanksgiving we eat a Turkey and we stuff, or fill that turkey with a bread and vegetable mixture before we bake the Turkey. When it all comes out of the oven, it’s delicious. The mixture that we “stuff” the turkey with is called, the stuffing. It’s one of my favorite dishes. We eat so much food on this day that we end up feeling like stuffed turkeys. So it’s very common after a large meal to say, I can’t eat anymore, I’m stuffed. Or, I feel like a stuffed turkey. I was definitely feeling that way a little bit last week


4.Home for the holidays 假期返乡

The last phrase I want to share is “home for the holidays”. In America, as it is in China, it’s a wonderful thing to be home with your family for the holidays. We have many songs for this time of year that sing about being home this time of year. We say, “there’s no place like home for the holidays”. It’s a wonderful feeling and such a treat that I am able to be home for the holidays this year.


Alright everybody, I don’t want to be a fair weather friend, but I’ve gotta wrap up 结束 the podcast today. Next week we will be doing some review so don’t miss the next episode! I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week! Stay happy, healthy and hardworking!

