作者:xin 2020-03-11
同情心与同理心仅一字之差,却有着天壤之别,短片《同理心的力量》给了我们一个很好的比喻So,what is empathy?Why is it very different than sympathy?
在短片中,同理心是这样的一种隐秘之处,当某人掉入一个很深的地洞,从底端发出呼喊“I'm stuck,it’s duck,and I'm overwhelmed”
同理心和同情心在此时会有何种表现呢?同理心的你试图感同身受,告诉他“Hey,I know what it's like down here,and you are not alone."(“我知道这种感觉,但你要知道你并不孤单。”)
Empathy is a choice and it's a vulnerable choice.In order to connect with you,I have to connect with something in myself that knows that feeling.
来个同情心的他''Ooh!it's bad,uh-huh?''“喔不~ 这真的满难受的耶!好可怜喔!"并试着分散注意力、扯开话题''Uh...No,You want a sandwich?''“那~ 要不要先吃块三明治?或许你会好一些。”
当人们听到有人向自己倾诉难过的事时,常常给予的是〝一线希望〞''I have a miscarriage.''〝我流产了〞''At least you know,you can get pregnant''〝没关系,至少你知道你能怀孕〞I think my marriage is falling apart.''〝我婚姻要破裂了〞''At least you have a marriage.''〝至少你有这段婚姻〞''John's getting kicked out of school.''〝John要被退学了〞''At least Sarah is a A-student.''〝至少Sarah是资优生〞
我们在面对艰难的话题时,总希望能让事情好转一些,但我想,当我向你倾诉难过的事时我宁可你对我说...''I don't even know what to say,I'm just so glad you told me.''(我现在不知道我能说些什么,但我很高兴你愿意跟我说。)
Perspective taking-ability to take the perspective of another person or recognise their perspective as their truth.
Staying out of judgment-not easy when you enjoy it as much as most of us do.
Recognising emotion in other people,then communicating that.