作者:浸泡村国际英语 2020-03-11
大家作为大学生肯定都对约会恋爱话题感兴趣吧~ 那我们今天就来细细品味一下英文的土味情话。
· Are you a volcano? Because i lava you你是火山吗?因为我爱你。
· lava n. 岩浆,火山的熔岩,lava谐音“love”。
· You must be from Tennessee! Because you are the only TEN I see!
· 你一定是田纳西州来的!因为你是见过唯一身材火辣的人!
· Tennessee谐音“TEN I see”。Ten指身材非常好、甚至身材火辣的人。
· You know what’s on the menu? ME-N-U
· 你知道菜单上有什么吗?我和你。
· Your name must be yogurt. Because I wanna spoon you.
· 你的名字是酸奶吧。我想舀一勺/我想追你。
· spoon n.调羹,汤匙; v. 向…求爱;在背后抱住姿势
· My doctor says i’m lacking Vitamin U医生说我缺维生素U
· U即“you”,表示你。跟“我掐指一算,你五行缺我”有异曲同工之妙。
· Are you a 45 degree angle? Because you’re acute-y!
· 你是45度角吗?因为你是个锐角/小可爱!
· acute-y可以拆成:acute n. 锐角和a cutey 一个可爱的女孩。Cutey=cutie,表示可爱的女孩子。
· Your daddy must be a drug dealer, cuz you're dope. 你爸一定是贩毒的吧,要不然你怎么会那么让人上瘾、欲罢不能
· Is your name Google? Because you're the answer to everything I'm searching for.
· 你的名字是谷歌吧! 你是我追寻的一切的答案。
Do’s and don’ts
Don’t get ahead of yourself - It's OK to get excited before you go out with someone new, but stay realistic.
Do be open to unexpected date ideas - A homemade meal and Guitar Hero might be a better way to get to know each other than the standard restaurant and a movie.
DON'T wear anything too sexy.
DO wear flats. - Although heels can be super sexy, you never know where a first date will lead you. Flats will let you feel open to anything the night may bring.
DON'T drink and date. - One glass of wine is fine. Two or more could lead to sudden, instant and otherwise immediate death of a potential relationship.
DO act interested in what he is saying.- No one wants to go on a first date with the human equivalent of a dead-fish handshake. If you don't like where the date is headed, end it early.