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2020-03-11 16:35 浸泡村国际英语

Hi everyone! Welcome to week two of your useful English podcast! I hope the first week treated you well and that you enjoyed last weeks podcast. I’m super proud of those of you who have already started to put the phrases that you learned last week into use! Good job!


Here I am at a coffee shop working on bringing you more useful phrases! Keep up the good work everybody!

嗨,大家好! 欢迎来到您有用的英语播客第二周! 我希望在第一周你过的很好,并且喜欢上周的播客。 那些已经开始使用你上周学到的短语的人让我非常自豪! 做得好!我正在咖啡店工作,为您带来更多有用的短语! 大家持续加油!

This week we are going to focus mostly on some English terms that are used in informal contexts. I’ll teach you how to relax the American way, how to eat the fancy way, and how to describe someone who just won’t stop talking— we all know at least one person like this!


本周我们将主要关注非正式语境中使用的一些地道英语表达。 我将教你如何像美国人一样放松,如何花哨的饮食,以及如何描述一个不会停止说话的人 - 相信我们身边至少都有一个这样的人!

First phrase: Chill out

To chill out means to relax. Take it easy. Do very little. We can tell people that they need to chill, or chill out. We can also say that we need to chill. You may also hear people say, chillax. This is a slang term that combines the term chill with relax.

Chill这个词可以直译为冷却,那么冷却就是意味着放松,别紧张,做很少的事。 我们可以告诉人们他们需要冷静或放松。 我们也可以说我们需要冷静下来。 有时你也听到人们说chillax。 这是一个俚语,结合了冷却和放松这个词。



Here’s a photo of me when I got some serious “chill” time when I was on vacation in Aruba a few years ago. Needless to say, I was a very happy girl.

Aruba: 位于加勒比海南部小安的列斯群岛最西端的荷兰海外领地。80%为加勒比印第安人和欧洲白人的混血后裔。


Second phrase: Wiped Out

Have you ever been so exhausted that you don’t want to do anything at all? All you want to is relax, sleep and do nothing? When we feel this way in America, we sometimes say that we are “wiped out”. Meaning that we have no energy left at all. We are done.

Example: I’ve been studying for the last eight hours so I’m going to bed now because I’m wiped out.

你是否曾经疲惫,以至于你根本不想做任何事情? 你想要的只是放松,睡觉,什么都不做? 当我们在美国有这样的感觉时,我们有时会说我们“被消灭了”。 这意味着我们没有任何精力。 我们完事了。




Here’s a picture of my little sister that shows a pretty accurate portrayal of being “wiped out”. We had spent the entire day at the beach. When we got back into the car, she ate her snacks (you can see the crumbs on her shirt) and then fell asleep. Hard. She had a big day. She was wiped out.

Third Phrase: Hors d’oeuvres

This word is a little tricky because it’s French and it’s pretty difficult for non-French folk to pronounce, whether you're from the West or not. You should definitely listen to the podcast to practice the correct pronunciation of this word. We use the word “hors d’oeuvres” as another word for appetizer— or the food that is usually served before a main meal. These foods are usually eaten with your hands, as they are small and bit sized.

这个词有点棘手,因为它是法语,非法语母语者很难发音,无论你是否来自西方。 你一定要听播客来练习这个单词的正确发音。 我们使用“hors d'Oeuvres”这个词作为开胃菜的另一个词 - 或通常在主餐前供应的食物。 这些食物通常用手吃,因为它们很小,几乎是一口一个。


Fourth Phrase: Well given that

To say given that, you are saying that they are taking that fact into account. So when Bree says, given that we are hosting it (the party), she is talking about the fact that she and her husband are having the dinner party at their home.  Usually said in a context when you are reasoning with someone.


要说“既然/鉴于”,你是在说正在考虑到某些事实。 因此,当Bree说,鉴于我们正在举办它(派对),她是在谈论她和她的丈夫正在家里举行晚宴的事实。 这个表达通常在你与某人推理的情况下说。

I just recently returned to America and, being American, one of the things I missed the most when I was in China was hamburgers. So, when asked what I want to eat when I first got back home, I could have said, “Well, given that I was in China for a year, I really want a hamburger.”

Fifth Phrase: chatty

We all have that friend who likes to keep the conversation going. The type of person that loves to talk. In America, we describe such as person as chatty. When you’re chatty, you like to talk, or chat, a lot. Someone who is good with conversation or who tends to talk a lot, could be described as chatty.


我们都有一位喜欢一直谈话的朋友。 在美国,我们把这一类人称为健谈的人。 如果形容你是健谈的人,说明你真的很喜欢聊天。 善于交谈或倾向于谈论很多的人都可以被描述为健谈。

