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2020-03-11 16:46 浸泡村国际英语


Music* 燃烧我的卡路里

Yajun: I really wanna lose some weight! I look so bad in my favorite pair of jeans.

V: Well, you did gain some weight in the past 3 months. And, not just you… A lot of friends of mine are trying to keep fit.

Y: So, let’s talk about fitness today!

V: 已经冬天了,很多小伙伴已经过了最想减肥的时段,但IVE一直倡导年轻人保持身心健康!今天来聊聊健身你需要知道的吧!

Y: If you’re looking to start losing weight, living healthier, and feeling better, it really comes down to a few key rule in your fitness diet. 如果你想瘦,需要遵守的基本饮食原则:


V: 1. Eat mostly real food. 吃天然、未加工过的食物。

Y: 2. Eat fewer calories than you did in the past. 减少卡路里摄取。

V. 3. Avoid liquid calories like the plague. 要像躲传染病一样全面禁止饮料摄入 。


Y: 那具体每一餐怎么安排,大家可以Google一下,我们也找了图片给大家做参考~

So usually you will see the following food on a diet menu.


Oatmeal 燕麦

Brown rice 糙米

Corn 玉米

Broccoli 西兰花

Sweet potato 红薯

Chicken breast 鸡胸肉

Salmon 三文鱼

Avocado 牛油果

Blueberries 蓝莓

Grapefruit 西柚

Skimmed milk 脱脂牛奶

Y: Following these rules is much easier said than done – if it was easy then everybody would look like superheroes and super models. 道理说起来都很容易做起来却不容易,毕竟不是每个人都能成超模。

There’s nothing more frustrating than putting in effort for months (or years) while eating food you hate and avoiding food you love…only to put all of the weight back on when you stop dieting. 你们有没有觉得减肥是永远不可能的,辛辛苦苦节食减掉的肥在不久的将来马上又长回了身上。所以减肥永远要搭配运动才是长久之计。

V: After we are done with the diet, is there any exercise I can do to keep fit?

Y: Sure there is.


HIIT是High-intensity Interval Training的缩写,意思是高强度间歇训练法,用来练习心肺功能,冲击速度,配合其他训练减脂效果明显,这种特殊的训练方法问世以来风靡欧美大陆。这款运动谁试谁说好,减脂效果人人称奇,有效并且能够在碎片时间就能进行运动。

V: Yeah, I’ve seen some videos on Youtube and I can tell that it really burns calories in a short time cuz it’s quite intensive. So we posted a video for you to watch and follow! We do hope all of you can give it a try! 话说我已经迫不及待要去试一试了!

Y: And it’s super efficient as well. HIIT is the ideal workout for a busy schedule—whether you want to squeeze in a workout during your lunch break or to get in shape for a fast-approaching event Research shows you can achieve more progress in a mere 15 minutes of interval training (done three times a week) than the girl jogging on the treadmill for an hour.


V: What’s more, I’ve got some words and phrases for you so you could understand this type of videos better. So, let’s take a look at them.

六块腹肌:a six-pack        (abs) abdominal

人鱼线:V-cut (abs)

马甲线:Firm abs

How to get a six-pack v-cut absfirm abs?






These are some basic phrases and vocabulary.

The most important thing about keeping fit is action! And of course keep going!

So hope all of you can have a healthy lifestyle! 快把这篇文章转发给你身边需要瘦身和喜欢健身的朋友,@他们,跟身边的小伙伴共同坚持运动和健身哦!

反正我朋友圈是有好多“不瘦十斤,不换头像”的,我要把转发给他们~Thanks for your listening! Bye!

