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​夸人不再说“good job”,用这些句子来代替更高级。

2020-03-11 17:31 Lemon

近日清华北大史诗级辩论,双方就夸夸群和喷喷群哪个更好唇枪舌战,简直是神仙吵架!网上关于夸夸群的讨论也是居高不下,活跃在各大平台。如果来一场有关夸夸群的英文辩论,一定也非常精彩但是只会一句“good job”怎么行?今天我们就来聊一聊如何用英语称赞他人。

1.You make me want to be a better man

You make me want to be a better man

It looks like this lady was really pressing her man to say something nice about her. I think what he said did the trick. You can use this phrase to tell someone,you make me want to be a better man, girl, person, student, teacher, athlete.Basically, you can say this to anyone that inspires you.

2.You’re so wise

You’re so wise

This is a great way to compliment someone’s intelligence. You can say, “You’re so wise, smart, creative,intelligent, hard-working…” the list goes on. Whether you say it to your friend, your teacher or your dog, it’s a great compliment.

3.You’re the coolest person I know

You’re the coolest person I know

This is a good one for someone that admire for more than their intelligence. But you can also replace cool with a different adjective. “You’re the funniest person I know.” “You’re the smartest person I know.” Use this to tell someone that they are better at something than anyone else.

4.You’re my hero

You’re my hero

We can use this one as a joke, but we can also say this when someone saves us from an uncomfortable situation. Next time someone helps you with your homework, you can tell them, “You’re my hero!”.

5.You have such a pretty face, you should be on a Christmas card

you should be on a Christmas card

When you really want to compliment someone’s beauty or talent, this is a good phrase. But you don’t have to say ‘Christmas card’. You can say, “You have such a pretty face, you should be on a magazine!” Or, “You have such a pretty voice, you should be famous!”


6.You have the best smile

You have the best smile

This one is a great way to express that someone has a feature or quality that you think is the absolute best. “You have the best laugh.” Or to the Ayi down the street, “You have the best Hot Dry Noodles(热干面)”.

7.You look fantastic!

You look fantastic!

Everyone loves to get a compliment on how they look— especially if they are dressed to impress.You look fantastic,fabulous, amazing, ravishing! These are all a bit better than“You look nice.” Try em next time!

8.That’s a wonderful suit

That’s a wonderful suit

If you want to compliment a specific part of someone’s outfit, use this phrase.Again, fill in the phrase with some good adjectives. “That’s a lovely dress!” “Those are spectacular shoes!” And, um, maybe ask before you touch. As we see in the clip, sometimes a compliment is enough.

9.I like/ dig your style

I like/ dig your style

And finally, if you just want to give a compliment to someone’s overall sense of fashion and personality, you can say, “I like your style.” If you “dig” something, it also means that you like it. In class you can tell your teacher, “Vivian, I really dig your teaching style.”

Alright everyone, that wraps up this week’s episode. Now you all have a bunch of different wants to compliment each other.Share some of your favorites by practicing what you learned in the comments section below! Have a great week, I’ll catch you next time!


