很多人认为成人学英语是一件很难的事情,我一直相信一万小时定律,这个世界上也有很多人和我一样坚信,所以你总会听到许多意想不到的事情,而他们仅仅是把简单的事情坚持了很久罢了。 杭州成人英语辅导班 开展的如火如荼,也有很多人会感慨其实成人英语是一件简...
Intro: Hi, everyone. Its Vivian here, and Melissa!!! Im just super excited to be your host again this fall. I really enjoyed sharing songs, useful expressions and cultural differences with you guys. It makes me feel fulfilled! So happy to be back! _______...
大家作为大学生肯定都对约会恋爱话题感兴趣吧~ 那我们今天就来细细品味一下英文的土味情话。 Are you a volcano? Because i lava you你是火山吗?因为我爱你。 lava n. 岩浆,火山的熔岩,lava谐音love。 You must be from Tennessee! Because you are the only TEN I see! 你一定是田纳西州来的!因为你...
上周的万圣节Melissa扮演了一位法国女士看到IVE万圣节晚会中大家盛装出席她别提多羡慕了,本周Melissa继续带我们放眼世界,看看这周都发生了什么重要的事件吧。 Hello everyone and welcome to week 8 of your EU News podcast. Its November now which means Halloween has now come and gone. I hope you all enjoy...