说起英语口语学习方法,很多人都会有些难言之隐想要表达,因为在过去的学习中口语表达成为了最缺发也最困难的事情,然而我们面临的不再是一纸证书,而是实实在在的口语表达能力。广州成人英语培训那么多,有什么我们值得借鉴的呢? 今天以一个在口语学习...
Fitness Music* 燃烧我的卡路里 Yajun: I really wanna lose some weight! I look so bad in my favorite pair of jeans. V: Well, you did gain some weight in the past 3 months. And, not just you A lot of friends of mine are trying to keep fit. Y: So, lets talk about fi...
Hi everyone! Welcome to week two of your useful English podcast! I hope the first week treated you well and that you enjoyed last weeks podcast. Im super proud of those of you who have already started to put the phrases that you learned last week into use...
Intro: Hi, everyone. Its Vivian here, and Melissa!!! Im just super excited to be your host again this fall. I really enjoyed sharing songs, useful expressions and cultural differences with you guys. It makes me feel fulfilled! So happy to be back! _______...
大家作为大学生肯定都对约会恋爱话题感兴趣吧~ 那我们今天就来细细品味一下英文的土味情话。 Are you a volcano? Because i lava you你是火山吗?因为我爱你。 lava n. 岩浆,火山的熔岩,lava谐音love。 You must be from Tennessee! Because you are the only TEN I see! 你一定是田纳西州来的...
上周的万圣节Melissa扮演了一位法国女士看到IVE万圣节晚会中大家盛装出席她别提多羡慕了,本周Melissa继续带我们放眼世界,看看这周都发生了什么重要的事件吧。 Hello everyone and welcome to week 8 of your EU News podcast. Its November now which means Halloween has now come and gone. I hope you...
市面上英语培训机构非常多,哪一家英语培训机构称得上专业呢? 浸泡村国际英语,提供专业英语教学,专注英语听说能力培训。浸泡村的课堂以学生为中心,注重学生的听课效果和实际运用能力。浸泡村不让学生纸上谈兵,而是通过各种各样的方式给学生发挥自身...